Your Secret Weapon in the Battle Against Lower Back Pain

A-young-woman-experiencing-lower-back pain

For some people, lower back pain is chronic condition. That sudden, scary sensation of pulling in your lower back that lets you know you’re in for more pain later. The nagging, daily ache that develops over time. Lower back pain makes feel unbearable metal pressure, holding you back from enjoying your life. If you are searching for how to reduce low back pain, Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) can provide real relief. This article will address the types and common causes of lower back pain, how to treat low back pain with TCM, and eight excellent suggestions for ways you can reduce low back pain and prevent flare-ups with lifestyle change and self-care.



Low back pain-A common but complicated disease


The vast majority of adult experience at least one episode of low back pain at some point in their lives. Not only can Low back pain really feel like a burden, but presents a challenge for physicians, because in many cases, there is no clearly discernible cause. Imaging scans may help us get a picture of structural damage to the spine, but they do not tell us the whole story. Pain is not just about structural or mechanical problems in the body. 



Most people experience a generalized, nonspecific kind of low back pain. These may be related to muscle strain or stiffness, repetitive movements or unfavorable sitting or sleeping positioning. Other conditions are based on specific injuries or pathologies. Some types of pain, such as sciatica, are rooted in the nerves, possibly due to pinching or other damage, and causing hip pain that radiates down the leg. Sometimes the sensation is more like tingling or numbness than fiery pain.



Types of Low Back Pain


From the respective of Western medicine, there are many different causes of low back pain. Many of these involve some kind of inflammation which occurs due to muscles or joint damage caused by injury or degenerative disease. If inflammation is not treated in time, it may cause symptoms such as swelling, stiffness, and pain.  You could try Chinese medicine for the inflammation.



TCM has very different views on the causes of low back pain. It believes that there are many reasons for low back pain: wind, cold, dampness, depression, blood stasis, deficiency and so on. The kidneys are located in the lower back, so the pain in this area is closely related to these organs. There are many Chinese medicine meridians at the back of the body. Since the kidney meridian passes through these joints, low back pain caused by kidney deficiency is usually accompanied by knee weakness or pain. Chinese Medicine believes that the kidneys are combined with the bladder, and the bladder meridian is on the back, forming two parallel lines on both sides of the spine. When the blood flow in this meridian is not smooth, it can also cause pain in any part of the back. Common conditions leading to back pain include:


  • Degenerated disc
  • Bulging or herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal scoliosis
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle strain
  • Muscle spasm
  • Pinched nerves
  • Nerve damage
  • Kidney stones or gallstones
  • Digestive issues (constipation)

Shanghai Medicial Clinic help you solve your worries


Cupping Hijama therapy 

If you feel pain in lower back, you can try acupuncture and Chinese medicine for back pain. Shanghai Medical Clinic has clinical practice experience of more than 24 years in the treatment of different types of low back pain. At our clinic, we conduct in-depth consultation and inspections at the first visit, and after that we make personalized treatment plan for you. Usually, we recommend a course of treatment of acupuncture and cupping for low back pain twice or three times a week, and the reassess it to trace progress and improve the situation. We will provide you with suggestions on herbal formulas and dietary that may help improve your condition. Shanghai Medical Clinic is a place where you feel comfortable and relaxing. If you need to know more, please call us or make an appointment from here.




Eight Tips for Self Care to Reduce and Prevent Lower Back Pain


With TCM, we aim for long-term, lasting results. At the same time, we guide the patient in vital lifestyle improvements, such as regular de-stress meditation, gentle exercise such as Tai Chi or yoga, and an anti-inflammatory diet.  


Here are some specific things you can do at home to help enhance the effects of acupuncture treatment and reduce lower back pain:


  1.  Moderate exercise: walk, swim, Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates, and gentle stretching. It might be tempting to spend a lot of time in bed when you have back pain, but in most cases, lack of movement does more harm than good.
  2.  Avoid lifting anything heavy; always remember to bend from the knees and not from the back when lifting any kind of weight. Forward bends as part of an exercise routine can also be aggravating.
  3.  Weight control
  4.  Anti-Inflammatory Diet: avoid coffee, spicy foods, nightshade vegetables (tomato, potato, eggplant and bell pepper).
  5.  Change posture during your work, move around for a few minutes every hour, at least.
  6.  Cold and Heat: Use a cold compress for the first three days if there is an acute injury or any time right after exercise. Use heat 3-5 times per day for chronic pain.
  7.  Make sure your mattress is medium firmness and comfortable.
  8.  Do stretches and gentle strengthening exercises specifically for the lower back. Also work on strengthening all the core muscles. Remember that the lower part of the spine is actually in the center of the body. Using the abdominal muscles to help you move and lift things takes the strain off of the back muscles.

#TCM #acupuncture #acupuncturedubai #herbalmedicine

Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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