How to Get Rid of Indigestion with TCM


Usually we may ignore various subtle signals that our bodies send us unless they cause us pain. Due to poor dietary habits, insufficient rest, and stress, many people have experienced the pain of indigestion. Now is the time to become more aware of these discomforts and find ways to quickly alleviate this minor discomfort.


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can help treat indigestion through various methods, including acupuncture, tuina massage, and herbal medication. Based on each individual’s unique constitution and the causes of indigestion, herbal remedies accompanied by acupuncture were usually prescribed by TCM physicians to maintain gastrointestinal health, which can further improve an individual’s digestive system.


TCM Perspective on Indigestion


In TCM, the spleen and stomach are the “roots” of health. If the function of the spleen and stomach is weak, it can lead to many diseases. TCM believes that a healthy stomach leads to a healthy spleen. You may have a healthy diet, but if you don’t have a good digestive system, your overall health may be affected. While eating healthy food is important, good digestion is even more crucial. Some signs of indigestion include bloating, burping, bad breath, poor sleep, a lack of energy, skin problems, bowel issues, and even menstrual issues.


A good digestive system stems from a healthy spleen. Picture a pot placed on a fire. The pot represents the spleen, and the fire represents the warmth of kidney yang. This is how TCM views the digestive system. To maintain healthy digestion and metabolism, we need to keep the digestive fire strong, so that it can break down food and transform it into energy, blood, and activators of organ function.



From a TCM perspective, the causes of indigestion can be divided into:


  • Liver Qi invading the Spleen

Cause: With the modern fast-paced lifestyle and the constant pressure we face at work or school, stress can lead to poor liver function, thereby affecting the health of the digestive system, resulting in “Liver Qi invading the Spleen.”


Signs and symptoms: Discomfort in the stomach, loss of appetite, insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. The severity of these signs and symptoms varies depending on a person’s emotional health.


  • Phlegm-Dampness Retention

Cause: As a prosperous society, we tend to overconsume high-cholesterol foods, which increases the burden on our digestive system. Coupled with a lack of exercise, invisible phlegm-dampness can accumulate in the body, leading to phlegm-dampness retention syndrome.

Signs and symptoms: Bloating, acid reflux, loss of appetite, nausea, and indigestion.


  • Spleen-Stomach Deficiency Cold

Cause: Some people have weak spleen and stomach (Qi deficiency) due to an irregular diet or picky eating habits from birth.

Signs and symptoms: Discomfort in the abdomen, loss of appetite, tastelessness in the mouth, weakness in the limbs, and loose stools.


A good digestive system stems from a good spleen


Imagine a pot placed on the fire. The pot represents the spleen, and the fire represents the warmth of kidney yang. This is how TCM views the digestive system. For healthy digestion and metabolism, we need to maintain a strong digestive fire to break down food and convert it into energy, blood, and activate organ functions.


Herbs that aid digestion with warmth


Here are some Chinese herbs that you may already have in your pantry. They may not be as “exotic” as lion’s mane mushrooms, South African devil’s claw mushroom, or reishi mushrooms, but these unsung heroes in the kitchen can work wonders for your digestive system.


Typically, herbs that aid digestion are warm in nature. They can have pungent, hot, and aromatic flavors. Besides warming the digestive system, promoting digestion, and replenishing Qi, they also have the following unique functions.


5 herbal medicine that can improve digestion






  1. Black Pepper

– Warms our body, dispels coldness

– Alleviates stomach cold-induced vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain


  1. Fennel Seeds

– Warms the liver

– Alleviates rib-side pain, menstrual pain, and hernia

– Warms the kidneys

– Alleviates lower back pain


  1. Clove

– Warms the stomach

– Alleviates vomiting, belching, abdominal pain, and diarrhea

– Warms the kidneys to assist yang

– Suitable for weakness in the back and knees, and excessive vaginal discharge due to uterine coldness


  1. Cinnamon

– Warms the vital gate fire(kidney)

– Suitable for aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, impotence, and frequent urination.

– Warms and opens the meridians

– Alleviates menstrual pain, body aches, etc.

– Returns fire to its source

– Suitable for any condition where the upper body is hot and the lower body is cold


  1. Ginger

– Excellent for stimulating the digestive system, especially in treating nausea

– Warms the body, induces sweating, dispels internal coldness

– Warms the body to alleviate pain

– Dried ginger has greater warmth and stronger effects


5 Tips for digestive health


  • Stay warm

Pay attention to keeping your abdomen warm. Avoid exposing your stomach to cold temperatures.


  • Maintain good dietary habits

A healthy, balanced diet that is not too salty and uses fresh ingredients is essential. Eating at regular intervals and in moderate amounts, or having five to six small meals throughout the day, helps establish a better digestive system.


  • Avoid toxins

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.


  • Maintain mental health

Indigestion is often caused by emotional stress. Therefore, maintaining good relationships, having a positive outlook on life, and striving to balance work and life are crucial. Maintaining mental health is essential.


  • Stay active

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by engaging in regular exercise and healthy hobbies. A healthy body can boost your immune system and enhance the health of your digestive system.

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Shanghai Medical Clinic is a leading TCM Medical Clinic in Dubai since 1997, providing premium quality acupuncture and TCM treatment.
If you like to try traditional Chinese acupuncture for your condition, please call us + 971 4 343 4811 or make an appointment online.
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